Below is a listening resource from the A-level page of, one of many based on online video clips. I use various questioning formats, some of which I listed in my last blog post. This is a simple QA format. One advantage of questions in the target language is that you can focus on specific structures. For example, in Question 2 below students must understand and use 'depuis' with the present tense. Question 12 draws attention to the conditional perfect tense, which not be regularly seen or used by students. The clip is below 2 minutes long, which is good for this level and the video source is accessible enough. I would use this with a confident Y12 or a Y13 class. In terms of A-level themes it matches with cyber-society an education, each of which is part of popular exam board specs. Follow the link to view the video. Harcèlement scolaire – une victime témoigne 1m 54
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