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Showing posts from September, 2024

A-level handbook update

Steve Glover and I have made very good progress with our forthcoming handbook for A-level language teachers. Steve has been focusing mainly on the teaching of film and literature, while I have been producing material on aural and written texts, vocabulary and grammar, and developing oral skills. If all goes well, we could publish in around two to three months. If you don’t know Steve Glover, he writes the superb website and has a long record of materials writing, including his own A-level French course Attitudes. He is an expert in his field and has provided specialist CPD to A-level teachers on many occasions. He’s also an old friend which makes the collaborative writing process easy and enjoyable. I’m sure he’s done many other things I don’t even know about. It’s fair to say we are both veterans now! My own relevant expertise stems from 32 years of A-level teaching and resource writing, working as an associate for a few years with AQA (focused on A-level) and my gener