My co-writer and the former secondary teacher with the broadest knowledge of second language learning and teaching research, Dr Gianfranco Conti, has been blogging a lot recently as he pursues his latest speaking tour of the UK. I sometimes wonder if he ever sleeps. When we wrote our first edition of The Language Teacher Toolkit in 2016 a major source of the material were the blog posts Gianfranco wrote in 2015. Recently, he has produced a spate of informative, research-informed posts which every language teacher should find illuminating. The easiest way to find them is just to go to his blog at and browse. In recent weeks he has covered areas such as grammar, listening, sentence builders/EPI and teaching via topics. Notably, he has returned to the work of John Field, a leading writer in the area of listening instruction. We turned his perspective on listening instruction into our book Breaking the Sound Barrier: Teaching Language Learners How to Listen ...
On the Primary/Y7 page of my frenchteacher site I have a collection of tasks which help novice pupils with their French comprehension, translation skills and writing. Below is an example. In the original Word document the parallel French and English texts are presented in landscape, side by side. I choose the gaps to suit the level of a typical Y7 class, but teachers can edit them to make the ask easier or harder. There is a progression in the lesson, since students move from initial scaffolded comprehension towards their own simple writing. Some classes could go further than my suggestion of five easy sentences to write. The French text can be exploited in other ways, for example with questioning, a 'correcting false sentences' exercise or just choral repetition and reading aloud. There are many possibilities to promote recycling of the same language. I would envisage this resource being used later in a teaching sequence on the family topic. I used Chat GPT to produce the ...