A feature of our new GCSE workbook, is the inclusion at the end of each unit of two 'sentence banks', one Foundation, one Higher. These lists of translated sentences would be familiar to teachers who like to use parallel text knowledge organisers. Below is an example from Part Two of our new workbook, coming in a few weeks. It's Foundation Tier set from the unit about education and future plans. Items in bold are more challenging structures which go beyond simple, one clause present tense sentences. The Higher senetnce banks contain more of these. Je vais à l’école à pied. I go to school on foot. Il y a 800 élèves à mon école. There are 800 pupils in my school. Je porte un uniforme scolaire ; c’est pratique. I wear a school uniform; it’s practical. J’ai cinq cours par jour. I have five lessons per day. Les cours commencent à neuf heures. Lessons start at nine o’clock...
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