Phew! After nearly six months of work, our book for A-level language teachers, both aspiring and practising, is published. Called Teaching A-Level Modern Languages , priced at £25, you can find it on Amazon here: . Teaching languages at A-level is a both a joy and a challenge and we hope to have shared how students (and teachers) can get the most out of the process. So what's the background here? Steve Glover and I are old friends. He is now based in Paris, while my wife and I moved to London in July. Years ago, the other Steve taught French in East Lancashire before moving on to other projects, including establishing an early website for French teachers (The Really Useful French Site), working with Digitalbrain, writing the Attitudes course for A-level and authoring the site, formerly known by different names depending on the language. Steve also runs webinars on A-level literature and film, specialisng in how to produce effective essays
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