I've just uploaded to frenchteacher a set of five sheets the aim of which is to get students to practice of retrieving (buzzword alert!) verb forms. I have these in mind as a revision resource to help students internalise common verb forms in the perfect tense. I have focused mainly on first and third person. I added a few notes to advise teachers how they could be used. (UPDATE: I have now uploaded pairwork tests for five different tenses.)
Basically students are given a list of verb phrases in English which have to be translated into French by their partner. Each partner has a different set of verbs. Students take turns to ask the give the English, then the partner attempts an answer. If they get it right they get one point. The correct answers can be seen on the 'tester's' sheet.
You can see an example below. It's the first of five sheets, with many verbs being recycled across the five sheets. If you find this a bit too mechanical for your taste, you could suggest that students get bonus bonus points for adding a further element to their answer. So, instead of just responding Je suis allée, they could respond Je suis allée chez le médecin.
A simple retrieval practice idea, one which, in the example below, word work well with students working at GCSE Higher Tier. A really good Y9 class might be able to handle it.
Test your partner on perfect tense French verbs Partner A
English |
Answer |
English |
Answer |
I went |
Je suis allé(e) |
I wrote |
J’ai écrit |
I played |
J’ai joué |
I finished |
J’ai fini |
I listened |
J’ai écouté |
I started |
J’ai commencé |
I departed |
Je suis parti(e) |
We ate |
Nous avons mangé |
I drank |
J’ai bu |
We bought |
Nous avons acheté |
I took |
J’ai pris |
They went |
Ils/elles sont allé(e)s |
I had |
J’ai eu |
You were |
Tu as été |
She went out |
Elle est sortie |
You had |
Tu as eu |
He arrived |
Il est arrivé |
You took |
Tu as pris |
I bought |
J’ai acheté |
We reserved |
Nous avons réservé |
She bought |
Elle a acheté |
I continued |
J’ai continué |
We went |
Nous sommes allé(e)s |
We decided |
Nous avons décidé |
We played |
Nous avons joué |
You finished |
Tu as fini |
I heard |
J’ai entendu |
I chose |
J’ai choisi |
He decided |
Il a décidé |
They decided |
Ils/elles ont décidé |
Test your partner on perfect tense French verbs Partner B
English |
Answer |
English |
Answer |
I visited |
J’ai visité |
You chose |
Tu as choisi |
I ate |
J’ai mangé |
I wanted |
J’ai voulu |
I spoke |
J’ai parlé |
I saw |
J’ai vu |
I arrived |
Je suis arrivé(e) |
He spoke |
Il a parlé |
I read |
J’ai lu |
They listened |
Ils/elles ont écouté |
I was |
J’ai été |
We saw |
Nous avons vu |
She returned |
Elle est retournée |
They played |
Ils/ells ont joué |
He went up |
Il est monté |
We took |
Nous avons pris |
I sold |
J’ai vendu |
You went |
Tu es allé(e) |
He went |
Il est allé |
You ate |
Tu as mangé |
We played |
Nous avons joué |
You finished |
Tu as fini |
We listened |
Nous avons écouté |
She started |
Elle a commencé |
I started |
J’ai commencé |
She visited |
Elle a visité |
I did |
J’ai fait |
I knew |
J’ai su |
She spoke |
Elle a parlé |
I fell |
Je suis tombé(e) |
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