So, following my previous post, I'm putting my money where my mouth is. Have a look at the Cinderella story and exercises I've done: Because the story is familiar, vocab is not a great issue. I've simplified the story down to a very good Y9 level, or a weaker Y11 level. I reckon a bright Y8 class would cope. I must say I'm pleased with the "correct the false sentences bit". May raise a smile. The comprehension questions use "est-ce que" a lot to avoid having to deal with word order issues when moving from question to answer. Of course, they are not genuine comprehension questions, but a means to generate repetition and sppech/writing. I would do them orally and in writing. All in all there is material there for a 40-50 minute lesson, a homework task and a further lesson/homework doing the stroy from Cinders' perspective. Enjoy! ******************** Just to add, I have used the story and...
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