Here is a super site for listening and reading material on an environmental theme. Les Energivores has an archive of short cartoon videos (under two minutes) pitched at a high intermediate to advanced level, along with supporting reading material. As the title suggests the theme of the site is energy usage. The award-winning site is from Canopé académie in Besançon and AJENA in Lons-le-Saunier, with support from various sources including the EU. The video topics include the environmental consequences of eating meat, electric bicycles, recycling mobile phones, organic farming, food miles, the ecological footprint of flowers, renewable energy, re-using items and computer servers (this film won an award). Each video is accompanied by illustrated reading matter which can be downloaded in pdf format. I just wrote a video listening worksheet to go with the film about meat eating. It would work with a good Y11 class or A-level group. Th
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