Do you ever get confused at the fish market, supermarket or restaurant when it comes to the names of fish? Here is a quick vocabulary list which may help.
Anglais Français
Anglais Français
Anchovy anchois (m)
Bream brème (f)
Carp carpe (f)
Catfish barbote (f) mâchoiron (m)
Chub spirlin (m)
Cod cabillaud (m), morue (dried and salted) (f)
Coley/ pollock lieu (m)/ colin (m)
Eel anguille (f)
Grayling poisson ombre (m)
Grey mullet mulet (m)
Gurnard grondin (m)
Haddock églefin/aiglefin (m)
Hake merlu (m)
Halibut flétan (m)
Herring hareng (m)
Ling, sea burbot julienne (f)
Ling lingue (f)
Mackerel maquereau (m)
Monkfish lotte (f)
Perch perche (f)
Pike brochet (m)
Pilchard pilchard (m)
Red mullet rouget (m)
Red sea bream pageot (m)
Salmon saumon (m)
Sardine sardine (f)
Sea bass bar (m)
Sea bream daurade (f) sar (m)
Shark requin (m)
Skate raie (f)
Smoked haddock haddock (m)
Snapper vivaneau (m)
Sole sole (f)
Sturgeon esturgeon (m)
Swordfish espadon (m)
Trout truite (f)
Tuna thon (m)
Turbot turbot (m)
Whitebait petite friture (f)
Whiting merlan (m)
Whiting merlan (m)
Pourquoi les Français mangent si peu d'églefin?
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