This is just in case it's escaped your attention... Gianfranco Conti and I have produced two large bundles of resources for GCSE (8 units of 7/8 pages) and AS-level (7-9 pages). They are here:
The GCSE pack has eight units of work with answers provided. The emphasis is on comprehension, vocabulary building and translation. We had the new GCSE in mind for these, but pupils would still find these resources very useful and approachable for Higher Tier. Topics covered are: TV, environment, school, ambitions, marriage, holidays, health and volunteering. each unit has pre-reading vocab builders, a set of short texts based on the narrow reading principle (recycling similar vocabulary and structures each time), pre-translation tasks and three graded translations into French.
The AS/A-level pack has ten units. Topics covered are: family, cyber-society, contemporary French music, cinema, literature, personal identity, cultural heritage, the world of work, education and the world of work. Each unit features pre-reading vocab builders, a chunky text, comprehension tasks, pre-translation exercises and three translations into French, graded in difficulty.
Here is a review someone left on TES of one of the units AS-level units:
"Fantastic resource - brilliantly thought out, and closely related to AQA spec. Skills progress throughout document and increase in difficulty as students gain confidence. I used this as homework tasks to support work in lessons, and resulted in the students completing the final translations closed-book in timed conditions in class. Both students and I were v. impressed with the progress made! Will definitely purchase the other packs - excellent value for money. Thanks very much :)"
Individual GCSE and A-level units can be purchased separately at £3. The GCSE bundle costs £15 and the AS bundle £20. They can of course be photocopied and used over several years so we think they are very good value.
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