In this low prep communicative task students have some fun miming everyday activities using high frequency language, while their partner has to use the verb involved in a different tense. It would be a good idea to model the task first, before pairs start to talk. Only do this if you know your class can manipulate common verbs in three time frames - so this may suit a Y10-11 class, or a very good Y9 (low intermediate). If your class needs vocab support display some of the words you see used in the list below.
Here is a list you can hand out to partner A of possible sentences to mime:
Je joue au foot
Je joue au tennis de tables
Je joue au golf
Je joue au tennis
Je joue au basket
Je joue au volley
Je joue à des jeux vidéo
Je joue de la trompette
Je joue du piano
Je joue de la guitare
Je joue de la flûte
Je joue aux cartes
Je joue aux échecs
Je fais du dessin
Je fais de la gymnastique
Je fais la vaisselle
Je fais du ski
Je fais du jogging
Je lis
J'écoute de la musique
etc etc (there are loads more you could come up with).
After each mime, partner A gives a time phrase prompt, after which partner B has to describe what the partner has done, is doing, or will do. To do this they will need the "tu" form of the verb., so will say things like tu joueras au foot, tu as fais du ski, tu mangeras une pomme.
Prompts can be displayed on the board.
En ce moment, maintenant, d'habitude, normalement
Hier, le weekend dernier, hier matin, il y a trois jours, samedi derneir
Demain, dans trois semaines, après-demain, ce soir, le mois prochain
Voilà! The rationale for this task should be obvious. Students get to use high frequency language, think about verb formation and have a little fun in the process. To wind up the task you could do some of your own, asking students to tell you using the "vous" form of the verb - something they rarely, if ever, get to do.
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