Photo: Helen Williams
Voici le groupe français de l'Institution Saint Louis, Pont l'Abbé d'Arnoult. Nos amis de Charente Maritime viennent nous voir chaque année. Cette année ils sont 33 à avoir choisi le formule cours-excursions-séjours en famille. Demain nous allons nous promener à Malham Cove. Helen Williams, ma collègue et notre amie de longue date, accompagne le groupe avec sa collègue Céline Braganti qui travaille dans le secrétariat de l'école.
many many thanks for another successful exchange trip! We have had come really positive feedback from the pupils who all seem really happy with the welcome they received and the things they saw. Many of the pupils were continuiing to speak English all the way home, both to me and and to each other!! They have all made progress in their English and will continue to be more confident I'm sure. Céline and I are msot grateful and we hope your pupils are looking forward to coming to Pont l' Abbé as much as we are looking forward to having you.