Here is the final word: "Exchange visits lasting less than 28 days, where overseas parents accept the responsibility for the selection of the host family, should be regarded as private arrangements and will not require registration" (DCSF) Interesting.... Now, correct me if I 'm wrong, but this is very carefully worded, isn't it? I would read it as follows: if we ask our French/German/Spanish colleagues to ask their parents to say they accept responsibility for the selection of British host families, then our parents will not have to register with ISA. Would they be willing to say that we are doing it on their behalf? However, if the foreign parents are not willing to do this and say, with justification, that we, the British teachers, are responsible for the selection of the host families, then it is no longer a private arrangement and British parents will have to register with the ISA. Geddit? So, essentially, this is what we thought it was all along. Only ...